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Revision as of 21:06, 23 June 2024 by imported>BlueYoshi 57EML (aaaa)
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/* ----------------- FLEXBOXES GENERAL ----------------- */

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/* ----------------- END - FLEXBOXES GENERAL ----------------- */

/* ----------------- INFOBOXES GLOBAL ----------------- */

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/* ----------------- INFOBOX ARTIST ----------------- */

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#infobox_artist #heading_biggest {

#infobox_artist #heading_bigger {
/* ----------------- INFOBOX SONG ----------------- */

#infobox_song {
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#infobox_artist #heading_biggest {

#infobox_artist #heading_bigger {

/* ----------------- TRACKLIST GLOBAL ----------------- */
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/*clear: both; */
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width: inherit;
background-color: #ececec;

table.tracklist th {
padding: 4px 9px;
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table.tracklist td {}

/* ----------------- TRACKLIST ALBUMS ----------------- */

table#album {}

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background-color: #878787;
color: #ffffff;

#album tr {}

#album td {
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/* ----------------- INFOBOX ALBUM ----------------- */

#infobox_album {
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#infobox_album #heading_biggest {

#infobox_album #heading_bigger {